Let's talk about prenatal health and the ideal supplements with Joy McCarthy,† holistic nutritionist...

What does holistic nutrition mean for someone who’s expecting?

As a holistic nutritionist, I help my clients to create healthy, vibrant lifestyles that nourish their whole being. I find that a holistic perspective is especially helpful for women who are pregnant or planning to be. When it comes to supporting your own health and that of your baby, an expecting mother should seek balanced nutrition, adequate hydration, and the perfect vitamins and supplements for her needs.

You’ve blogged about “power nutrients” for pregnancy. What are those?

If you’re pregnant, you’re probably already eating a variety of power nutrients from healthy whole foods such as fruits and vegetables. Many women also choose to take a prenatal multivitamin and mineral for consistent and reliable nutrition during pregnancy. I like Perfect Prenatal™ from New Chapter® because it’s expertly formulated with your growing needs in mind, delivering the “pregnancy power nutrients” that are perfect for this time of life.

What else do you love about Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin?

It’s fermented! I’m passionate about fermented foods and their long tradition of use for various aspects of health. So I like to recommend Perfect Prenatal because it’s fermented like no other. That means the vitamins, minerals, and herbs in Perfect Prenatal are individually cultured using organic yeast, live probiotics*, and botanicals such as organic carrot and organic orange peel. New Chapter’s fermented multivitamins are easy to take and gentle on the stomach… something pregnant women really appreciate. Perfect Prenatal also delivers organic medicinal botanicals s for the maintenance of good health, including organic Rose Hips, organic Prunes, and organic Broccoli sprouts. I love Perfect Prenatal because its combination of nutrients and herbs is truly a holistic approach to natural health products for expecting mothers. It’s a well-rounded multi for two!

In addition to being a best-selling author, Joy McCarthy is a holistic nutritionist, creator of the popular blog, speaker, healthy living expert and a mom. She focuses on helping the whole person on a joyous journey to living and eating well.

Follow Joy on Instagram/Pinterest/Facebook @joyoushealth

†Joy McCarthy is a paid spokesperson for New Chapter.

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