Feeling Stressed? We Could All Benefit From More Magnesium!

Feeling Stressed? We Could All Benefit From More Magnesium!

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical processes in the body, including those involved in muscle, nerve, cardiovascular and bone health. It is one of our most essential minerals.

Magnesium is heavily depleted by stress. Deficiency can increase headaches, muscle spasms, difficulty sleeping and body odour. People who are deficient also commonly experience mental impairment. Fatigue, irritability, nervousness, and trouble concentrating are frequently a result of deficiency. Magnesium is vital anti-stress support; when left untreated, magnesium deficiency can further exacerbate symptoms of stress.

Unfortunately, and unsurprisingly, magnesium is commonly very deficient in North Americans. This is a serious issue because magnesium is vital to all human body functions. It is essential for maintaining proper blood pressure, blood sugar levels and a healthy heartbeat. It is a critical player in energy production and transport. It supports nerve signaling, prevents hypertension and diabetes, and activates enzymes responsible for digestion. Did we mention it factors into healthy immunity?

It’s safe to say that we could all benefit from magnesium supplementation in our fast-paced, highly stressed society. If you think you might be deficient in magnesium levels, don’t ignore it – talk to your health care practitioner.

In the meantime, find ways to consume the additional magnesium your body needs in food form. Look for naturally high magnesium content foods, including nuts, seeds, cheese, yogurt, soy, legumes, spinach, okra, cereal grains and fish.2

Magnesium supplements are a great solution if you’re still not getting enough of this critical mineral. Potencies typically range between 100 -200 mg per dose of magnesium for a daily maximum of 500 mg. It can be best to start with a small dose (between 100 mg to 150 mg per dose and under 350 mg per day) when beginning supplementation to avoid diarrhea.

Before beginning supplementation, you must decide what form of magnesium is best suited to your needs. If you want to focus on supporting strong bones and teeth, try Health First Magnesium Citrate. This 150 mg capsule helps prevent magnesium deficiency and supports the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth!

One form naturopaths and researchers are increasingly recommending is magnesium glycinate (also known as bisglycinate). This form of magnesium is chelated with the amino acid glycine. It has been observed that magnesium glycinate goes through the gastrointestinal tract intact, allowing for better absorption and retention in tissues and higher magnesium content in red blood cells.3

One in vitro study showed that the intestinal absorption of magnesium glycinate was up to 5 times higher than magnesium oxide.3 Due to this efficiency, the glycinate form is less likely to have undesired laxative effects.

Health First offers three different doses of a magnesium bisglycinate complex, so you can channel your inner Goldilocks to find just the right dose for you.

Health First Magnesium Supreme offers 125 mg of magnesium bisglyicnate blend in a capsule version for “low and slow” dosing for those looking for a lower amount of magnesium.

Health First Magnesium Bisglycinate 200 Supreme is the right fit for most! A bisglycinate blend with 200 mg of elemental magnesium per capsule. Adolescents 9-18 years of age may benefit from one capsule daily, while adults 19 years and older can take 1-2 capsules.

Health First Magnesium Supreme Extra Strength contains 250 mg of elemental magnesium per tablet, which is one of the highest doses on the market.

Whatever your magnesium requirements, Health First has an option for you!

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